Monday, July 27, 2009

A Hike at Herman's Gulch

45 minutes from home Elizabeth, Lucy, and I enjoy a perfect hike in Herman's Gulch.

Flowers are everywhere.

Including our Colorado State flower- the Columbine.

On the banks of the meandering stream.

Lucy leads her mommy to even higher ground.

And higher we climb.

Lucy stops to look back at the ground we've covered.

We came from down there.

Still more exploring to do. Lucy stops to smell the Indian Paintbrush.

A little break in a meadow. Elizabeth says, "Uh... you're a little too close for comfort."

With Lucy in hand, all is well.

One more stop by the babbling brook before heading back down.

Lucy enjoys a brief break in the comfort of her mommy's sling.

But she wants to take to foot (er... paw) once again and she blazes the trail all the way down.

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